Mission Statement

PlaGMaDA's mission is to preserve, present, and interpret play generated cultural artifacts, namely manuscripts and drawings created to communicate a shared imaginative space.  The Archive will solicit, collect, describe, and publicly display these documents so as to demonstrate their relevance, presenting them as both a historical record of a revolutionary period of experimental play and as aesthetic objects in their own right.  By fostering discussion and educating the public, it is hoped that the folkways which generate these documents can be encouraged and preserved for future generations. 

The Play Generated Map & Document Archive

-- an archive devoted to play --

Logo design by Ryan Browning, ©2012

View the archive

The Play Generated Map and Document Archive collects, preserves and interprets documents related to game play – especially tabletop role playing games and computer games.  Any mark made on paper is collected by the archive.  Go take a look. 

How you can help 

The archive is made up of document donations from people like you, click the link to see how you can donate.  We are looking to partner up with game stores, game clubs and used book dealers, too.  You can also help out with tax-deductible credit card donations.  And be sure to go to the Help Needed!

page to see time sensitive projects involving the archive.

You can buy books and PlaGMaDA merchandise here

The publishing arm of the archive is called The Hutchingsonian Presents.  It’s first book was released September of 2012, and a full schedule of projects are in the works.  Sign up for the mailing list to stay posted.   

How can I learn more?

Join the mailing list and read the blog